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19 April 2010

Najib temui tok ayah Zionis

Perdana Menteri Malaysia telah menemui Muhtar Kent (CEO Coca Cola) di Amerika Syarikat pada 15 April 2010 , Muhtar Kent ialah pewaris yang menyelamatkan bangsa Yahudi di Eropah ketika Perang Dunia Ke 2.


Kata Najib: ''Dalam kes itu, saya secara peribadi terlibat dalam perbincangan semasa Sidang kemuncak APEC di Singapura November tahun lepas, dan bulan lalu kompleks kilang Coca Cola itu sudah mula dibangunkan."

Kesungguhan Najib memperkukuhkan hubungan dagangan KL-Washington itu terserlah apabila beliau menerima kunjungan peneraju syarikat-syarikat terkemuka AS di hotel kediamannya di sini semalam.

Mereka ialah Pengerusi dan juga Ketua Eksekutif Coca Cola, Mukhtar Ken
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Perdana Menteri berkata, antara usaha yang sedang dilakukan oleh Malaysia ialah menarik lebih banyak pelaburan dari AS dan baru-baru ini Coca Cola sebagai contoh, telah bersetuju melabur RM1 bilion.
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He was appointed to assume the position of Chief Operating Officer of the Company in 2008.

Muhtar Kent was born 1952 in New York City, New York, USA where his father, Necdet Kent, was the Turkish consul-general (the elder Kent has been called "the Turkish Schindler" for having risked his life to save Jews during World War II).

Kent is a member of the Bilderberg Group

In November 2005, the New York based American Sephardi Federation and The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation honored his father Necdet Kent with a posthumous recognition for saving the life of Jews during his duty as the Turkish deputy consul-general in Marseille, France in World War II.
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Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and media. Each conference is closed to the public and the press.

Conspiracy theories
Because of its secrecy and refusal to issue news releases, the group is frequently accused of secretive and nefarious plots. Critics include the John Birch Society, a producerist advocacy group in the United States, Canadian writer Daniel Estulin, British writer David Icke, American writer Jim Tucker, politician Jesse Ventura and radio host Alex Jones. The Bilderberg Group was the topic of a 2009 episode of the TruTV series Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura
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